Meet the men of Garza Security #ManCandy #Romance #StillWaters

I’m more than a little excited to release Still Waters. Why? Because these guys have been in my head for a decade. I’m a HUGE fan of Janet Evanovich and love her Stephanie Plum novels – but for the LOVE OF GOD – STEPHANIE NEEDS TO CHOOSE RANGER OR JOE!!! Basically, I love romance and I love mysteries and enjoyed the light-hearted banter. But first and foremost – I needed Stephanie to choose. Like seriously, Stephanie, you’ve been 30 years-old since 1994 and you’re still not sure who to marry. For me, that’s a major lady-bone killer.

So, what is an author to do? Well, she makes up her own little world, but STILL WATERS isn’t fan fiction. I’ve spent ten years imagining the guys of Garza Security. Not that I’m saying Stephanie should choose Ranger, because I’m seriously hoping she’ll choose Joe. Besides, Sara is based on an amazingly kick-ass woman who is very close to me, but shall remain nameless. Kind of.

This is the first story where you meet the men of Garza Security and Sara Waters, who becomes their den mother, eventually. I really hope you love them, because I do. Each story will be a HEA for the men of Garza Security, and these guys are all big, brawny, alpha, and yet so perfect for the women they meet. Sigh…

BUT PREORDER IT NOW, because I’m upping the price to $2.99 after St. Patrick’s day. You can purchase it for your Kindle HERE or through other major retailers HERE.



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